Interior Detail: Cleaning all vinyl and plastics, uv protecting all vinyls and plastics, cleaning and conditioning leather seats, shampoo carpets, mats and seats, cleaning and conditioning all weather mats, thorough vacuum, clean and polish glass.

Car $150
Truck $150
Mid SizeSuv (2 rows) $175
Full Size Suv (3 rows) $200

Exterior Detail: Hand Wash, wheel cleaning, chemical decontamination, mechanical decontamination, 6 month protection, clean and polish exterior glass, dress tires.

Car: $150
Truck $150
Mid Size Suv (2 rows) $175
Full Size Suv (3 rows) $200

Basic Interior Detail: Tornador with water, wipedown all vinyl and plastics, quick vacuum, windows cleaned and polished.

Car: $65
Truck $65
Mid Size Suv (2 rows) $75
Full Size Suv (3 rows) $85

Wash and Seal: Handwash and 6 month sealant.

Car: $80
Truck $90
Mid Size Suv (2 rows) $85
Full Size Suv (3 rows) $90

Engine Cleaning: Full degreasing of engine bay. Applying water based dressing to plastics.


Compound/Polish: Removing paint imperfections in the paint. This is a case by case basis. Prices will vary on vehicle condition and expectations.

Headlight Restoration: Restoring the clarity of your headlights and protecting.
